When nature embraces us, a house is born

On Lake Maggiore, Azimut Design reunites a home with its natural habitat

azimut design riccardo benedini

On Lake Maggiore, Azimut Design reunites a home with its natural habitat

Riccardo Benedini November 2021
November 2021

Recognizing oneself in the material and being aware of this bond is the mission of the Italian brand Azimut Design, which dedicates the utmost attention to the investigation of its customers to best realize the dream of a world built around them.

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There are times when the space around us seems to embrace us for the first time.

At that precise moment, a house is born.

A big mistake would be made if you’d think it is a place. Home is connection, language, electrocution. The house is the architecture that the outside world suggests to us and tell us: “hey, I chose you. This is your place”.

Gone are the times when our homes represented only a shelter from the burdens of the universe. The present from where we look out today has ever-larger windows to celebrate a renewed sense of belonging to the earth; a collective identity capable of presenting nature to us as the best friend of our intimacy. This bond, which connects us to what we were and what we will be, confronts us with the question: “Do we know how to live ourselves?”.

Near Lake Maggiore, a modern house seems to make the question its personal bet with nature, welcoming, with few functional elements, the spirit of a world that observes us.

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 “We had a spectacular park at our disposal and the house appeared to us as a large mirror at the center of the scene, open to the world and capable of materializing everything that was reflected in it”.

Annalisa Lago, CEO of Azimut Design

To give a “dress” to this philosophy of living in connection with the nature that surrounds us, in the summer of 2021, the designers from Verona Annalisa Lago and Francesco Benedini who, for almost twenty years, have used resin as material of choice for a new language in interior design. Starting from the wonderful park where the villa is located, Azimut Design declines the elements it spontaneously finds in the property in the perfect appeal for a line of objects and furnishings in osmosis with the habitat that inspired them.

If it is true that each material carries its own time, the clock of this house reflects a forest that brings together a varied and imaginative past to our present:

The dining room table is made of poplar briar from the Brocéliande forest in Brittany, a place of inspiration for many writers for indelible legends that tell of fairies and Arthurian feats. A suggestion in the resin with singular notes, given that the wood was hand painted, before immersion, by the designer Annalisa Lago herself in order to obtain a unique color of its kind with an iridescent hue.

The tabletop, combined with designer chairs, can hold up to twelve seats and rests on two black iron semicircular bases, also made by Azimut Design.

Lamp of the Jelly line in green color present in the living room area combined with two others in red and yellow

scultura villa azimut design

For the kitchen area, the designers propose a wood essence with all-Italian roots, namely the centuries-old olive tree. We are talking about the second large table in the house and its top rests on a very special “branches” base, designed to recall the inverted branches of the plant itself. Beyond the large windows, the vibrant nature of the park finally seems to enter the room, as if to offer the observer its calm breath and powerful light. Light, a key to the entire architecture, questions Azimut Design on the need to insert colored resin cubes on LED bases in the open space area of ​​the living room, capable of counteracting the attempted domination of external rays. The soft reflections of a semi-transparent red coffee table from the Jelly line finally seem to remind us that, in the right corner of the living room, near the nature that embraces the windows, this house has a heart.

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When nature embraces us, a house is born

azimut design riccardo benedini

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